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Can you afford not to invest in Asia and emerging markets?

Can you afford not to invest in Asia and emerging markets?

Asia’s growth potential is well known. It’s supported by strong structural trends such as urbanisation, rising incomes and the growth of the middle class. China’s economic rise over the years has prompted many investors to seek broad exposure to its market through ETFs.

But Asian equity markets are a diverse set – they’re interconnected but unique, and often driven by entirely different factors. This results in a wide dispersion in performance and valuation, and creates opportunities for stock pickers, such as our Henley-based Asian and Emerging Markets equities team.

The team adopt a contrarian approach to investing, which leads them to lean into risk when it’s most likely to be rewarded. This enables them to identify undervalued opportunities before others do, capitalising on the market’s excessive negativity. This approach can be especially rewarding at inflection points.

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